Arjan's World: ASP.NET 2.0 Tip: How To Get The RowIndex When You Press An ASP:Button in a GridView
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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

ASP.NET 2.0 Tip: How To Get The RowIndex When You Press An ASP:Button in a GridView

Finding out the above took me quite some time. It's not standard behavior to have a gridview with multiple row, with all rows having a configurable number of Textboxes on which data entry can be done, and that stores the data back to the underlying datasource with a 20+ parameter stored procedure, containing all fixed entries from the specific row.
Are you still with me? Well, put a bit simpler, I needed the rowindex of the specific row that was pressed. At first I thought well, that must be Gridview1.Rowindex, wouldn't it? but this turned out to be not the case. That is, the rowindex was not known inside the RowCommand event. After *a lot* of Googling it turned out I needed to add a CommandArgument to the Button, like so:

   46 <asp:Button ID="updateDB" runat="server" CausesValidation="false" CommandName="updateDB"

   47 CommandArgument="<%# CType(Container, GridViewRow).RowIndex %>" Text="updateDB" />

Simple enough if you've seen it before, but not so obvious to me...

Thanks to an forum thread and Mr DataAccess in ASP.NET himself Scott Mitchell (at the bottom)


At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perfect, thank you!


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