LINKBLOG for September 25, 2007
Fire your best people…reward the lazy ones - Test Early
When the numbers crunch - Guardian Unlimited
Always interesting when mainstream news (read: Northern Rock) meets the 'software dev. world'A Digital Era - Recovering from a Failed Process Crisis
' Sure you’ve been telling them for years that using an Access database as a multi-user database store is a bad idea: [...] Its your fault, even if it isn’t 'How to kill a dragon with various programming languages - Roman Strobl
Ockham's razor as it applies to the big rewrite - raganwald
and still another opinion to the
site-that-should-have-been-done-in-PHP-but-ended-up-back-in-Rails ... if there is one lesson to draw here is it 'there is always more than one way to look at any issue'Can you break Law #1 and get away with it? - marklon
carved in stone in the security world ' If a bad guy can persuade you to run his program on your computer, it's not your computer anymore 'Interview Technique: A Topdown Approach - the.codist{}
Bug Driven Development - Phil Haack
Reverse Engineering with Reflector and Reflexil - David Cumps
Dependency Injection for Loose Coupling - Billy McCafferty, The Code Project
old article, but interesting for me at this momentDid you know... How to up to the top and bottom of the current view in the editor without scrolling? - Sara Ford
betcha didn't know this one28-Hour Day - xkcd
not all mum-in-law's are like that
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