LINKBLOG for April 24, 2008
Tip of the day: sort of realized today that a lot of linking is done by not directly linking to the website itself, but to e.g. the Feedburner URL for a blog post. This means that authorities like Google and Technorati are unable to include the linked piece in their indexes. So let make an agreement, both you and me: if you want to give credit to a site you link to, use it's direct link...
Random Exceptions - Sean Fao
Sometime one just have to get rid of the frustrationSolo A Pensoso - Mike Nichols
' Here are a few other benefits which I see TDD bringing to the solo developer 'Is [Serializable] == ISerializable? No! - Shahar A
But the bottomline advice is clear: ' use the SerializableAttribute unless your have a good reason to implement the ISerializable Interface 'The RSA Conference - Bruce Schneier
Linked mainly for the amount of people that turn out to go to the RSA Conference. I mean, 17,000?Reverse-Engineering Exploits from Patches - Bruce Schneier
Scary stuff thisSix Different Ways To Execute Tests in Visual Studio 2008 - Brent Strange
TimeSnapper 3.0 -- an interactive, bubbling cauldron of possibilities -Leon Bambrick
SvnBridge 2.0 Released! - Oren Eini
What Happened to Operation Aborted? - IEBlog
Nice description from the IE 8 team how they removed a nasty problem from the browserWhat do you do if you're Salieri? - Kyle Baley
On geniuses and the semi-silent observers of themCommunity Convergence XLIII - Charlie Calvert
Simple Manifesto: Break Free from the Tyranny of the Clock - Leo Babauta
' Spend time on the important things ' So clear, but difficult to achieve to Incident Driven peopleThe United Nations Serving Malware - Dancho Danchev
There was a time I kept track of all exploits like these. This SQL exploit seems to really develop into a biggie todayMesh Goes Live, Digg Party Rocks - Real World Software Development
There is a new web2.0 buzzword in townProgramming "in" a language vs programming "into" a language - Jon Skeet
Personally I've never looked as this quote from Steve McConnell this way, but there is some truth in that programming "in" a language can also mean that you completely understand it's idiom and are therefore capable at bending it to its limitsA gentle reminder that interfaces aren't contracts - Joseph Cooney
They should be, but as Joseph phrases so nicely, they are ' more of a gentleman's agreement or shared understanding 'The Technical Manager - Jacob Proffitt
Lots of people are inspired this week to add their opinion on technical management (more discussion is always better!)Could You Go Without Your Computer For A Day? - Jason Harris
O yes. Me is on a small holiday on May 3, so this won't be any problem at all ;-)Book review: Jon Skeet's C# in Depth - Kirill Osenkov
Kiril highly recommends this book which will teach you ' how to write clean, elegant, beautiful code given all the power of the C# language 'Did you know… You cannot enable the “stop search” on the Output Window? - #199 - Sara Ford
Career Path - Sendhil
Sendhil finds inspiration and urges us to spend time thinking about how we see our future. If you don't know where to go, you stand still. Standing still is... well, you get the message
' Whatever career path you choose, "Work with Passion" 'Mentoring vs Molding - Mo Khan
Wise words... ' To be truly mentored by someone, means that your mentor will be able to offer you challenges that push you outside of comfort zone without telling you how ' Just showing how something is done doesn't really help someone improveThelophanic convention - Sterling Camden
Philosophical thought of the day ' when you have more than one way to do something, choose the way that best communicates your intentions 'DocListUploader-1.1.exe - google-gdata - Google Code
Was thinking about writing a little (.NET) tool that can up/download files from Google Docs. Of course, it's already there. No source, but we have Reflector! It seems like it only does what it's supposed to (always be a bit hesitant to .exe files)
Thanks for the link, Arjan! But full credit for the idea goes to Reg Braithwaite (linked in the post). I just gave it a name.
And I agree about using the resolved link.
Full credit for Reg indeed, he's really the philosopher among us bloggers...
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