Arjan's World: LINKBLOG for March 10, 2006
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Friday, March 10, 2006

LINKBLOG for March 10, 2006

Looking Busy
On how you give the impression you're busy, while instead you can have a free day off. Funny.
via reddit

An O(ND) Difference Algorithm for C#
How to compare text files the smart way.
via Jason Haley

Ten of the Biggest Mistakes Developers Make With Databases.
Mike Gunderloy always gets the message right.

It took me half an hour of Googling to find out the answer to the question: What is a Web Garden?. You know a Web Farm of course, in which several web servers act together to serve users of one web site. But this Garden thing was new to me. Although normally I'm quite proficient at finding answers on Google, this time the information was hidden to me.


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