LINKBLOG for November 21, 2007
Has CAPTCHA Been "Broken"? - Jeff Atwood
Stop the madness - Jimmy Bogard
' I think developers might be scared of exceptions, given the number of useless try...catch blocks I've seen around 'Community Convergence XXXVI - Charlie Calvert
A false sense of security - Ayende Rahien
Stop Reading - Start Doing - Jean-Paul Boodhoo
'If, and only if, you stop seeking pre-cooked answers from those who already tried it and start friggin’ DOING something 'Velocity Inflation Triggers Productivity Recession - Bob Koss
' A team can inadvertently become so focused on getting points done that they sometimes forget the real goal – to deliver a quality product 'Proof Of The Pudding Is In The Eating - Abhijit Nadgouda
Or: ' If we ever want to prove anything about the software, it is its value to the user 'Firefox 3 Beta Hits the Web - Faster, But Still a Memory Hog - Josh Catone
I tried it, and on the service it *seems* FF 3 uses less memory, but this is only after very short use. There is a huge number of improvements behind the scenes, but the frontend looks amazingly the same as 2: most obvious new thing is starred items/urlsEscape Your Location: How to Become Free From the Office - Leo Babauta
' Ever wanted to escape from the confines of your location, and be do your work from anywhere in the world? 'How to Command Respect - Cultivate Greatness
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