LINKBLOG for November 30, 2007
Foundations of Programming - pt 2 – Domain Domain Domain - Karl Seguin
Now if you want to learn more about OO fundamentals and programming with design patterns, I advice you to follow this series by Karl SequinLINQ Samples and Resources « Rhonda Tipton
Today VS2008 finally bowed it's head to me, so it's time to tinker a bit with LINQ queriesMatt Blodgett's Dev Blog: Notepad++ Tip: Syntax Highlighting for ASP.NET Files
Have put this tip to immediate use!Speed Coding with Regionerate & GhostDoc - Omer Rauchwerger
I feel attracted to the UNIX philosophy of using these small tools that do only one thing and do it well, just as these onesRe-throwing an exception - Rydal's .Net Clr
Its all about the details. Obviously, using just "throw;" gives us much more details - so use "throw" to re-throw (is?) an errorPlease use File.ReadAllText and the like - Kirill Osenkov
...under the right circumstances (small files)Killing time and annoying colleagues - David Vidmar
A vision of enterprise platform: A database that you don't hide in the attic - Ayende Rahien
Get a good DBA (...), give him/her a big stick and encourage good design through superior firepower.Micro ISV Advice - Aaron Lerch
Voting Experiment: Google Sneezed but Keep Your Pants On - Marshall Kirkpatrick
Architecting LINQ to SQL applications, part 1 - Ian Cooper
and part 2Rhino Mocks With Code Coverage - David Starr
Thanks, you're welcome!
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