LINKBLOG for December 24, 2007
Size Is The Enemy - Jeff Atwood
Jeff once agains explains Steve Yegge's latest post: ' One of the most fundamental and truly effective pieces of advice you can give a software development team-- any software development team-- is to write less code, by any means necessar 'What is Brownfield? - IglooCoder
' Recently I have been searching for a term that is capable of describing the opposite of greenfield. One of the terms that is often used to describe code that exists is 'legacy' 'Twelve Days of Refactor! X-mas, Day Four: Rename Works In Query Expressions! - Dustin Campbell
and part 3: Name Anonymous TypeAPI Archaeology - Charles Miller
' Occasionally in Java, you come across an API that makes you sit up and go “What were they thinking? 'Are You Experienced? - Jason Grundy
' Experienced people know when to push back…but equally they know when to stop pushing 'What Is Test Automation? - Steve Rowe
' Windows Vista offers per-application volume (...) Testing this manually is easy. Just play a sound, lower the volume, and listen. Now try automating it 'Read what matters - AideRSS
Heard so much about AideRSS that I decided to check it out. Wow, this is really RSS reading taken to another level. Import your OPML. Done. All kinds of views, filter levels (e.g. only 'best from this blog') etc. ReccomendedMozilla Weaves Web Platform for User Data - ReadWriteWeb
If they get the privacy and security thing right, this could be an interesting idea ' Mozilla today announced Weave, a new web platform that will store users' browser metadata in a cloud environment for access anywhere"I don't know" is an answer we should hear more often - William Ryan
' Some day, these guys are going to reflect back on their time here and when they realize how much BS they pulled out of their butts, they are going to cringe with shame '
Unfortunately guys like that won't do that last thing...Back to .NET remoting: TypeFilterLevel - Alex Thissen
Another example to show that .NET has come a long way since 2002 ' I have gotten used to the WCF configuration, where it is possible to mix and match code and declarative configuration 'Christmas present - BlogEngine.NET 1.3 released - Mads Kristensen
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