LINKBLOG for December 7, 2007
TRUE, True, true, and FALSE, False, false - Bil Simser
On the intelligence of intellisenseUnit testing; how far do you push the envelope? - odecee
The Developer’s Worst Excuse - Pedro Santos
' With no unit tests, no one will take the chance of refactor code that’s already working, and you’ll have the «can't touch this» effect. 'Changes Are Expensive, Damn Expensive | iface thoughts
on which the only answer can be the mantra 'Encapsulate What Varies'. Repeat ad infinitumShoveling Code - Tim Ottinger
' Then it dawned on me that my driveway is a lot like source code 'Google Chart API or how Google gives raw performance for free - Diego Parrilla
' if you don't size and distribute your apps properly, your site can collapse with a single impatient user clicking quickly a link several times or reloading a page 'The Digg Effect - Alex Iskold
interesting explanation of the principles behind DiggTest Specific Subclasses vs Partial Mocks - Phil Haack
Be my Support Group
Eric wins the G33k-post-of-the-day award for describing what he did when his comment on a weblog got lost on the heap:
' I installed winpcap and a packet sniffer ' Way to go, there are some tips in the comments (yeah the comments that were not swallowed by the browser :-)Free Utility: Web.Config Editor with a great UI - Robert Shelton
If you are also irritated by having to hand-edit .NET config filesTips for Immediately Using CodeRush and Refactor! Pro in Visual Studio 2008 - Mark Miller
Hmm, there's only oneHere Comes Another Bubble - James Kovacs
Warning: video ahead (hilarious Web 2.0 parody)Don't hide the ugly - Jimmy Bogard
Learn the difference between encapsulation and subterfuge, and get the shivers seeing the numbers in a red round-cornered boxA Dozen Levels of Done - Ted Neward
Is ALT.NET Becoming Incestuous? - Max Pool
ALT.NET is a nice idea, but how would anyone find the time to keep track of 200 messages of even one mailing list - apart from working, blogging and surfing. Not me at least :-)Can I Replace JavaScript (and everything else) With Volta? - K. Scott Allen
Good Stuff #1 - James Avery
How to Secure Your Computer, Disks, and Portable Drives - Bruce Schneier
Sharing The Customer's Pain - Jeff Atwood
' When was the last time you even met a customer, much less tried to talk to them about a problem they're having with your website or software? 'Tools of The Effective Developer: Touch Typing - Hans-Eric Grönlund
ASP.NET MVC Preview: Using The MVC UI Helpers - Rob Conery
Long article about future stuff in ASP.NETMicrosoft Live Labs Volta - Sam Gentile
Microsoft created another level of abstraction, it seems
' (...) Volta, an experimental developer toolset that enables developers to build multi-tier web applications (...) '
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