LINKBLOG for May 9, 2008
Innovation Notes: May 09, 2008 - Jason Haley
Why Does Crystal Reports ALWAYS kick my Axx - Part VII -- Merge Modules/GAC
via Alvin Ashcraft
Wanna see your devs jump under the table: ask if anyone knows Crystal :-)Algorithms in C#: Connected Component Labeling - Kirill Osenkov
' The goal is, given a 2D-matrix of colors, to find all adjacent areas of the same color, similar to the flood-fill algorithm used in Paint 'Don't forget the BOM! - Tomas Restropo
Of the many ways encodings in one of it's manifestations will try to bite youHaving fun with project managers! (or: why you should lock your desktop) - Maarten Balliauw
You can definitely have fun with more people than PM's this way...How to Make Late Software, Even Later - Casey Charlton
' if you do nothing else right on a project, get the fundamental architecture and framework right, early 'A Method Should Do One Thing and One Thing Only - Dave Donaldson
' So if you find multi-action methods like CreateUpdateDeleteItem, refactor them appropriately. Your tests will thank you 'Agile way of documentation!!! - Xebia
Putting more multimedia in requirements gathering in an Agile setting can help speed thing up considerablyHow To Find the Top Twitterers in Your City - Sarah Perez
OK, so if I start using it, it might better be efficient...Guide to the semantic web - Mads Kristensen
Mads would like more people to get their semantics straight, so he wrote an extensive introductionHanselminutes Podcast 110 - Microsoft Research: Spec# - Scott Hanselman
' What's Spec#? Currently it's a new language that is essentially extensions to C# 2.0 'Notifying the Windows Explorer about files in use - Lukasz Swiatkowski
Neat idea really, have your app communicate with the rest of the OS in a not too complicated wayYour API Fails, Who is at Fault? - Matthew Podwysocki
' Explicit DbC constructs give us a pretty powerful tool in terms of expressing our domain and our behaviors of our components ' And as I understand, the new Spec# might be of help here (maybe we should listen to Scott's podcast on this (above!)Enhancing mappers with LINQ - Jimmy Bogard
translating function programming constructs to LINQ:
' Filter = Where
Map = Select
Reduce = Aggregate '
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