LINKBLOG for December 11, 2007
Is MVC right for you? - Phil Winstanley
' (...) MVC is not the model for people who want the freedom to be creative with their code. It's the pattern you follow if you want to conform with a particular doctrine of programming '*** Adapt and Improvise - D Carver
Inspiration post-of-the-day: Some serious s*** both developers and companies often should take more notice of. Read it, digest it, and then act!Error Handling - The Practice We Never Talk About - Beautiful Code
' Talking about error handling is a bit like talking about taking out the trash 'Community Convergence XXXVII - Charlie Calvert
News from the C# group at MicrosoftThird Party Cookies - Mike Hall
It never hurts to protect your online identity a bit moreChristmas Book Gift Ideas - Software Development - Follow Steph
Looking for a present? Here's some ideasComposition over Inheritance and other Pithy Catch Phrases - Phil Haack
The blogosphere is full of interesting discussions! Phil deserves credit if it were only for questioning some ALT.NET philosophies.
Key quote: ' The goal is not to bend developers to the will of some specific patterns, but to get them to think about their work and what they are doing 'Favor Thoughtful Adherence Over Blind Adherence - J. Ambrose Little
This is one of the reaction on Phil's post (above), nuancing Phil's words on Appeal-To-AuthorityDependency Injection Objection - Jacob Proffitt
' Study any pattern or development principle in enough depth and you’ll find the edge cases and counter-indicators applicable to it 'This code sucks.... - Derik Whittaker
I completely agree with this excellent advice: ' So the next time you run across some code that looks like crap, maybe it is, or maybe it is not. But either way, just do what you have to do and move on 'Foundations of Programming - pt 4 – Dependency Injection - Karl Seguin
' Reducing coupling is one of those things that's pretty easy to do yet yields great results towards our quest for greater maintainability 'The Visual Studio Look and Feel - Patrick Smacchia
How to be a genius - Scott Berkun
Maybe you're not a genius even for the fact that you *do* care about what the world thinks: ' focus on the making, the thinking, the creating seems the best way, leaving it to the world to decide, long after you’re gone, what value your work had 'Why We Still Stink At Software Development - Abhijit Nadgouda
' Motivate him/her [the programmer/developer - ed.] enough to ask questions and build their own understanding and self-belief, not just skills 'From C# to Java: Part 5 - Eric Sink
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