LINKBLOG for December 12, 2007
What Does ‘SHA1 is Broken’ Mean? - Eric Marvets
DevTeach Open Source Panel recording now available on .NET Rocks! - Sara Ford
Automating Microsoft Word from Visual Basic - Maurice de Beijer
How to sell TDD to non-technical stakeholders? - Gojko Adzic
Offers suggestion to use the term “behaviour” instead of "test"when talking to business peopleTest Driven Development and Design By Contract - friend or foe? - Mario Gleichmann
' like Bertrand Meyer said: a test checks one (or a limited set of) cases. a contract describes the abstract specification for all cases 'Information Radiators: Make life visible - Joe Ocampo
Good Things Take Time: New Tech Doesn't Go Mainstream Overnight - Alex Iskold
' In this post, we look at three examples of innovation that have been around for a while, but are just now hitting the mainstream 'On Job Security... - Chad Myers
' To be most effective as a software developer, you must divorce yourself from software and see it only as a tool -- and not the only tool -- with which you create solutions 'Are You a Doer or a Talker? - Jeff Atwood
nice quote: ' Working code attracts people who want to code. Design documents attract people who want to talk about coding 'Loading "collocated" file dependencies at runtime | Aaron Lerch
' Here’s a summary of the different ways you can retrieve a path (whether “C:\foo” or “”) representing an assembly’s “location” 'Coding Monsters and Software Villans - Mitch Denny - World Time Clock
Handy if Bloglines is down and you want to know how much 'PT' differs from your timezone. That way you know when you will be again connected with the world :)
Btw this is *the* disadvantage of an online aggregator, the dependence on an external engine
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