LINKBLOG for December 29, 2007
Foundations of Programming - pt 7 (sorta) - ActiveRecord - Karl Seguin
Are you a problem solver or a developer? - Raymond Lewallen
' I had this conversation with some friends on Twitter about a month ago and have been thinkinng about it ever since. We are all professionals, but professional what? 'Make Your Application Reversible to Support Undo and Redo - Henrik Jonsson
' How to make your existing and new application support in-memory transactions, multi-level and multi-document undo/redo using generics and C# 3.0 extension methods and lambda expressions 'A Study In Equality - Marc Clifton
' Understanding value and ref types for equality tests and as keys in collections 'Security Vulnerability Research & Defense - Microsoft
Microsoft launched a new blog with the intention to share as much of that information as possible here because we believe that helping you understand vulnerabilities, workarounds, and mitigations will help you more effectively secure your organizationWhat exactly do you save with Dynamic Languages? - Jonathan Holland
' A properly designed application using a static language such as Java or C# might easily hit the 500k LoC mark, but with proper design and abstraction, the actual code base can easily be split into manageable 10k LoC assemblies 'Test Smarter, Not Harder - Scott Sehlhorst
Durability Is in the Eye of the Beholder - PatHelland
' So, I occasionally ponder the D in ACID transactions and wonder what it REALLY means 'Neither Gathering Nor Eliciting, It is Discovering Requirements - Abhijit Nadgouda
' (...) to identify the real problems a discussion between the client and the software developers is required 'Developing at the speed of thought - 'Tony'
' Spending more time typing than thinking likely means that there’s not enough thought behind the code being written '
via Reginald BraithwaiteBloglines DOESN'T suck. The dynamics and power of WOM and blogging - Dana Epp
Had some issues over here with Bloglines over the past months as well, but I'm also sticking with Bloglines for the time being ' So in just 24 hours, both Bloglines and Wordpress are on it... OVER the HOLIDAYS!. That's the power of word of mouth and blogging. 'Application Generation: Where Should The Metadata Go?
via Steve PietrekAre Helper Classes Evil? - Nick Malik
Old one, brought to attention by Beware: Types Suffixed with 'Helper' - D. P. BullingtonSoftware Development in the Real World: The Ultimate Guide To Not Choking Under Pressure
Some interesting point. Especialliy this one on learning from your own mistakes resounded with me ' 3. Do Not Get Caught Up On What You Do Well 'ASP.NET MVC: Using Helper Classes And Services - Rob Conery
Important Blog Posts, Part 2 - Matt Blodgett
Back To Basics: Integers - Justin Etheredge
Justin is going loose on the mathematical logic behind something as simple as integers
via Christopher SteenLINQ to SQL vs. DBA's - Dennis van der Stelt
' Why is it that in Oracle world, it's much more custom to have a database administrator (DBA) on your project than when you're working with SQL-Server? 'The applicability of DSL - Oren Eini
' A complex DSL is a programming language, and at the point, you would probably want to use a programming language to work with rather than a DSL 'An Inalienable Right to Privacy - Jeff Atwood
If Jeff quotes Bruce Schneier, it deserves a place here
' The default strategy of privacy through obscurity may have worked by default in the hodepodge, sporadically digital worlds of the 80's and 90's. Not any more '
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