Arjan's World: August 2005
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Monday, August 22, 2005

SQL Server 2000: Use SCOPE_IDENTITY() Instead Of @@IDENTITY

As I'm not working with SQL Server the whole day, my knowledge about the platform is not extensive. I was alway under the impression that using SQL Server 2000, you can get the identity value of the last inserted row by issuing a SELECT @@identity. Apparently, it is not according to the following article
Check Your SQL Server Identity: Since SQL Server 2000 you have to use SCOPE_IDENTITY() instead, as the former could give unexpected results.

When you work with SQL Server and don't know this SQL Server Central, check it out as it contains a lot of interesting articles

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Thursday, August 18, 2005

Test Of Blogger For Word Add-in

This is a test of the Blogger For Word macro, allowing you to publish to Blogger from within Word.
See if it works as expected, hang on…

Well, it works! I first made a draft, and now opened the draft again in Word, and it seems to work seemlessly. Wonderful! The only thing is that it is a bit weird because you’re publishing to the internet from within a text editor; normally these would be strictly seperated ways of working

Via  Breuls who led me to Frank Watching . Download the tool here from the blogger site

Update: Only thing is you have to ask for a HTML preview, as some Word junk which you have to remove first is sometimes added. And what would be totally cool would be the real preview of the blog item. I always use that one to remove the last unexpected things. I'm used to looking at HTML markup, however there's nothign like WYSIWYG

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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Back From Holiday: Time To Build A Better Blog

Just as if you're interested in my being back from holiday :) The only thing you will have noticed is that I haven't been blogging for a substantial amount of time.

Therefore, it's time to reposition my blog, and rethink the plans (plans, did I have plans !?) I have with it. Time to skim through Darren Rowse's series 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Headquarters because I, just like this guy, Jack Krupansky lack the inspiration and convincing content, necessary for writing an interesting blog.

And remember: content is only interesting if other people start reading and valuing it, not if you think you're great yourself.

via the always delicious